[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Palestine and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Palestine Page Co-Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each roundup to Palestine@jadaliyya.com.]

The Occupation Forces

Israeli Forces Have Killed Over 5,500 Palestinians in the Last 15 Years and Not One Soldier Has Been Prosecuted for Murder Human rights group, Yesh Din, recently published a study that found within the past 15 years, not a single Israeli soldier was prosecuted for the murder of a Palestinian civilian in the occupied territories.

Gaza Patient Detained en Route to West Bank for Treatment Muhammad Abu al-Foul was detained by Israeli forces after trying to seek medical treatment.

Domestic Politics

"Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism" is a Formal Logical Fallacy Recent arguments put forth by pro-Israel activists have tried to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, an argument that is lacking in merit.

Poetic Injustice: Palestinian Poet Arrested over Facebook Post Dareen Tatour, Palestinian poet and activist, was recently arrested by Israeli forces for incitement after her comment on a Facebook post.

Why Palestinians Mark Prisoners` Day Since 2000, over 90,000 Palestinians have been arrested, including 11,000 minors and 1,300 women.

Netanyahu: "The Golan Heights Will Forever Remain in Israeli Hands" PM Benjamin Netanyahu recently stated that Israel will “never relinquish control” of the Golan Heights.

UN Report: Two-State Solution is in Danger The Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO) announced that the viability of the two-state solution is currently in danger due to ongoing violence, demolitions, and lack of Palestinian unity.

Foreign Policy

Defying Establishment, Bernie Sanders Defends Humanity of Palestinians In last Thursday’s democratic debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders defended the humanity of Palestinians by calling the Israeli offensive on Gaza in 2014 “disproportionate.”

"NY Times" Publishes Op-Ed Writer`s Blatant Falsehood about Palestinians Without Blinking an Eye A recent op-ed published in the New York Times claims that the “one state solution” would expel six million Jews from Israel.

EU, Austria, Ireland and Portugal: Over 12 Million Euros to Support Palestinian Families The European Union has announced it will contribute over 12 million Euros to Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza.

Biden: Netanyahu Leading Israel in "Wrong Direction" Vice President Joe Biden recently stated that PM Netanyahu is leading Israel in the “wrong direction” as the steps he is taking is counterproductive to the two-state solution.

Settlers and Illegal Settlements

Israel Destroys Bedouin Village in Negev for 97th Time Al-Araqib in the Negev was destroyed by Israel for the 97th time. The Bedouins who continue to live on this land face up to $13,256 fines each day they remain on the land.

Israeli Court Orders Demolition of 11 Houses and a Mosque in East Jerusalem An Israeli court recently ruled that 11 houses and a mosque in East Jerusalem should be demolished, home to fifty people.

Dr. Erekat: Israeli Settlement Construction Announcement is a War Crime Under International Law PLO Secretary General Dr. Erekat has stated that continued Israeli settlement construction is a war crime.

Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions

Is Anti-BDS Group Sawtona Impersonating Palestinians? The anti-BDS group, Sawtona, emerged from Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) claiming to be a group of Palestinians against BDS. However, upon further scrutiny, Sawtona is based out of present-day Israel, not the occupied territories.

Dutch Party Votes for Sanctions on Israel Liberal Dutch party, D66, has called for sanctions on Israel due to their ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians.

BDS: UNOPS Becomes Third UN Agency in Jordan to Drop G4S Following Campaign The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) has terminated its contract with G4S due to pressure from the BDS campaign.

Anti-BDS Legislation Faces Crucial Hearing Tomorrow in California Judiciary Committee AB 2844, otherwise known as “California Combating the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions of Israel Act of 2016” is set for a hearing on Tues., April 19th. If passed, the bill would penalize businesses and other organizations participating in boycotts against Israel.


Israeli Ringleader Convicted for Burning Alive 16-Year-Old Abu Khdeir Yosef Chaim Ben-David, the ringleader who kidnapped and killed Muhammad Abu Khdeir two years ago, was found guilty of murder. The family of Abu Khdeir demanded Israeli authorities give him a life sentence and demolish his home – policy that is carried out against Palestinians convicted of the same crime.

US Accuses Israel of "Excessive Use of Force" in Human Rights Report The US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2015 accused Israel of ongoing human rights violations.

Group: 43 Journalists Jailed by Israel Since October The Committee to Support Palestinian Journalists found that Israel has detained over 40 journalists since October 2015.

Economy and Development

A Different Kind of Cafe in East Jerusalem The Tahhan brothers and their café, Café Sarwa, seek to provide a different kind of environment in East Jerusalem.

PA Losing $285 Million a Year under Arrangements with Israel According to the World Bank, the Palestinian Authority is losing up to $285 million per year under its current economic arrangements with Israel.

Blind Palestinian Student Wins UN Human Rights Competition 13-year-old Yasmin al-Najjar won a human rights competition organized by UNRWA in Gaza.

Students in Gaza Watch World`s Fist Virtual Reality Operation For the first time in history, Dr. Shafi Ahmed live-streamed an operation in the UK. Amongst the viewers were students in Gaza.